To protect all young people in the care of Lift Up Voices
and to ensure participants and staff are safe
Clearance requirements for all Lift Up Voices
contractors, employees and volunteers
Lift Up Voices is committed to best practice
in all aspects of service delivery
Lift Up Voices regards all feedback, including complaints,
as a positive opportunity to improve the quality of our services
Lift Up Voices is committed to
continuous service improvement
We are committed to protecting all people
in the care of Lift Up Voices.
We recognise the right to make informed choices
and take calculated risks.
Ensures incidents involving Lift Up Voices participants
and/or staff members are managed effectively
Outlines how Lift Up Voices will fulfil its
occupational health and safety obligations
Ensure that mealtimes at Lift Up Voices
are safe and enjoyable for all participants
Participants’ voluntary consent for media use is respected
through completion of the optional Media Consent Form,
ensuring their autonomy and choices are honored.
Lift Up Voices recognises that all people with a disability
have the right to feel valued and the opportunity
to participate fully in life and in society as they choose
To ensure that money and property of
Lift Up Voices participants is protected
whilst they are receiving services
Establishes standards of privacy, dignity and confidentiality
in the dealings with users of Lift Up Voices’ services
Lift Up Voices is committed to providing a high quality service,
responsive to the diverse and changing needs of our clients
To identify applicable risks and to enable risk management
procedures to be identified, organised and maintained
Lift Up Voices is committed to promoting and
protecting individual rights
Outlines the service entry and exit process for
Lift Up Voices participants
Outlines how Lift Up Voices will
deliver services to participants
Lift Up Voices acknowledges that all people have the choice,
control and the right to change or terminate services
at their own discretion